Membership Gives You Benefits
- Access to all lessons offered by the club for the entire year for no cost.
- Access to this section of our website as a resource. If you are a member and need a password for this section please email Rob at
- Availability to funds to attend dance festivals and Workshops. Up to max $200/yr per person is available to offset costs to attend these events. Money is reimbursed for travel, hotel and event pass costs ( food not included ). This is so you can learn and expand your knowledge to bring back to the club and the area more about dance..... please ask an executive member about details, and checkout festivals on our links page.
- Access to a video library on this website.
- Discounts at some workshops / dances that we host.
- Access to an outfit to perform with if you are part of the dance team and an overall sense of belonging to something special where you have the support to learn from people with a similar passion for dance.